About us

Formula 369 was created by Eric Ellis who resides in Utah and is a competitive cyclist.  Eric has a degree in Exercise Physiology, has 8 years experience coaching cyclists, 5 years experience as a certified personal trainer, 5 years experience as a 1 on 1 health/wellness coach, and 12 years experience working in the nutrition and supplement industry where he has formulated over 40 different nutritional supplements that are sold all over the World. 

Eric created Formula 369 at first for his own use, because he didn't want to pay for the overpriced high carbohydrate mixes on the market.  Because of his experience in the supplement industry, he knew he could make a product that was just as good as the most expensive products used by the pros, but at around half the cost.  So after 1 year of testing it on himself, another year of providing it to friends to try, he knew he had to make it available to everyone. 

Eric's main goal for Formula 369 was to keep it simple, which meant only adding ingredients that actually did something for you.  This is why it only has 3 ingredients which are a glucose source (maltodextrin), fructose, and salt.  When it's all boiled down, this is all your body needs in order to perform at it's best.  The latest research shows a mix of glucose and fructose allows your body to utilize 2 pathways to absorb and uptake energy at the highest rate possible, without causing GI issues.  Salt is added to replace what is lost in sweat and to keep the plasma sodium levels in check. 

Being in the nutrition industry for so long, Eric knows all the tricks companies use to sell and market supplements.  You see, there are only so many ways you can make a sports drink unique.  Because of this, all the products on the market have to add something to their products to set them apart and give them their own value proposition.  In reality, the ingredients these companies add do not contribute to an increase of performance, or are not used in a great enough quantity to actually make a difference (think BCAAs, beet powder, beta alanine, etc.).  So all these "extra" ingredients only end up adding cost.  Because the mission of Formula 369 is to provide the best product at the lowest cost, we don't add any "hype" ingredients, but instead only add what is needed, so we can keep the cost low, you can use it more often, and get the results you want.